From the original anime Mobile Suit: Gundam comes the Principality of Zeon Garma Zabi’s Customised Mobile Suit MS-06FS ZAKU II Type FS!
This 1/144th scale High Grade Universal Century kit-set contains:
- Parts to build Zaku II Type FS
- Zaku Machine Gun
- Heat Hawk + Adapter
- Bazooka
- Customized Heat Hawk
- Recoilless Rifle
- 1 pair of Trigger hands
- A sheet of foil stickers
Weapons & Gimmicks
- The hands are swappable.
- Any of the weapons can be wielded by the kit’s normal and/or trigger hands. (Though compatible with the former, the machine gun and the bazooka must be wielded by the latter)
- Machine Gun’s foregrip can swing left or right.
- Bazooka can latch onto the rear waist armor via a flip-out mounting joint.
- Bazooka’s foregrip and scope can pivot up and down.
- Heat Hawk can be stored onto the left waist armor via an adapter.
When Garma Zabi was assigned to Earth, he brought his FS-Type Zaku II with him, however he rarely sortied with it after being assigned to a leadership role. Ace pilots Gabby Hazard and Eric Manthfield also piloted these machines. Garma’s unit was eventually piloted by Zeon’s agent Tara I. Cicero during the events in Mobile Suit Gundam: We’re Federation Hooligans!!. It was last seen being exhibited in New York for the 10th Anniversary of Liberation in U.C. 0090.
The MS-06FS was similar to the standard MS-06F Zaku II, but was equipped with four vulcan guns mounted in the head for increased effectiveness in close combat. Before the MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type was developed, the MS-06FS Zaku II was assigned to unit commanders and squads whose main duties included close-combat missions. Although some units were known to carry a larger version of the heat hawk, this may have just been a custom feature used by certain pilots, as others were seen with the standard version.
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